Devoted OTC Catalog 2025

Devoted OTC Catalogue 2025 is a detailed list of OTC items are offered bu Devoted Health Medicare Plan. This benefit helps the members to purchase a variety of OTC products with zero extra charges.

What Items are Covered by the Devoted OTC Catalog?

  • Allergy relief medications
  • Antacids and acid reducers
  • Anti-diarrheal and laxative products
  • Cold and flu medications
  • Dental and denture care products
  • Diabetes care supplies
  • First aid supplies
  • Pain relievers and fever reducers
  • Skin care products
  • Vitamins and minerals

Where Can I Find the Devoted Health OTC Catalog PDF?

  1. you visit to get the catalogue.
  2. Just copy this link the browser.
  3. Click on view otc catalogue.
  4. It will be opened in a PDF format.
  5. Press CTRL+P to save it, select option save as pdf. Click on save.
  6. Now you can save it on your local drive.

Does the Devoted OTC Catalogue Change Every Year?

Yes, the Devoted OTC Catalog typically changes every year. This allows for updates to product availability, pricing, and any changes in the covered benefits. It is always a good idea to check with Devoted Health or check the latest catalog to get the most accurate and up-to-date information. You can also download the cataog in PDF directly from this link:

How Do I check My Devoted OTC Items by Phone?

To check your Devoted OTC items by phone, you can call OTC Health Solutions at 1-888-628-2770 (TTY 711). They are available from 9 AM to 8 PM local

You can ask about specific products, their availability, and any limitations on your quarterly benefit. The representative can also assist you with placing an order over the phone.

What are the Quarterly Limits for the Devoted OTC Catalog?

The quarterly limits for the Devoted OTC Catalog can vary. It’s best to consult your specific plan’s Evidence of Coverage (EOC) or contact Devoted Health directly for correct information.

How Long Does Shipping Take for Devoted OTC Orders?

Most orders are delivered in 7 working days. But if they don’t arrive in 14 days, you must call otc health solutions to inquire about the package status.

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